HSPICE Skills/others

hspice - MOS transistor saturation check 방법

vfr43edc 2017. 12. 26. 14:49

hspice - MOS transistor saturation check 방법
input 파일에 .biaschk 추가하여 특정 MOS Transitor의 동작 영역을 확인
첨부파일 : hspice manual : .biaschk part
.biaschk mos region=saturation $region=linear region=cutoff $ mos들이 saturation인지 체크
*+ tstart= tstop= $ 시간 지정
+ simulation=op $op|dc|tr|all $ 어떤 simulation 에 대한 saturation check할 것인지 결정
+ name='xbg.m*' $ xbg내의 mos 모두 체크
*+ mname='n_60_ehv160a' $ model 'n_60_ehv160a'  의 saturation 여부 체크
.option biasfile='test.chk'  $ test.chk 파일에 log를 저장
결과물 : enter saturation --> saturation
***   no biaschk output for dc sweep simulation***

 Biaschk output during operation point:
 type time       operation range    method model-name   element-name subckt-name 
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  n_60_ehv160a xbg.mnm6     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  n_60_ehv160a xbg.mnm4     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  n_60_ehv160a xbg.mnm5     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 leave saturation   range  n_60_ehv160a xbg.mnm0     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 leave saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm12    bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm4     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 leave saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm15    bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm6     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm7     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 leave saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm1     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm10    bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm8     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm9     bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm11    bgr_schematic
 mos   0.000e+00 enter saturation   range  p_60_ehv160a xbg.mpm5     bgr_schematic
 Element that have biaschk out of limit during the operation point simulation:
 type terminals Number Counted     model-name element-name subckt-name 
***   Biaschk end for operation point simulation***


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