HSPICE Skills/others

Pattern Source

vfr43edc 2022. 12. 21. 09:43

high, low가 일정하게 반복되는 clock signal이 아닌 signal을 정의 할때 힘들게 pwl을 사용하지 말자.

여기 pattern source가 있다.


*** syntax

Vxxx n+ n- PAT <(> vhi vlo td tr tf tsample data + <)>

Ixxx n+ n- PAT <(> vhi vlo td tr tf tsample data + <)>


*** description

PAT : Keyword for a pattern time-varying source.

vhi : High voltage or current value for pattern sources (units of volts or amps).

vlo : Low voltage or current value for pattern sources (units of volts or amps).

td : Delay (propagation) time in seconds from the beginning of the transient interval to the first onset ramp.

tr : Duration of the onset ramp (in seconds) from the low value to the high value (reverse transit time).

tf : Duration of the recovery ramp (in seconds) from the high value back to the low value (forward transit time). 

tsample : Time spent at '0' or '1' or 'M' or 'Z' pattern value (in seconds).

data :  String of '1' ,'0','M', 'Z' representing a pattern source.
           The first alphabet must be 'B', which represents it is a binary bit stream.
           This series is called b-string.
            '1' represents the high voltage or current value,
            '0' is the low voltage or current value,
            'M' represents the value which is equal to 0.5*(vhi+vlo).
            'Z' represents the high impedance state (only for voltage source).

RB : Keyword to specify the starting bit when repeating.

R=repeat : Keyword to specify how many times to execute the repeating operation be executed.

                  With no argument, the source repeats from the beginning of the b-string.

                  If R=-1, it means the repeating operation will continue forever.



*** Example input file


*** result



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